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Learning Challenge: Video About Time

These notes are from this video  "Alarm Clock - Japan, 1934" is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Wow, since I have so much extra time lately, I need to work on learning about it and spending it wisely.  30 years of research! That's really not that many Focus on the past (I think that might be me)- past positive Focus on present-I wish I was this one Focus on the future- I don't like to do this, but sometimes you can't help it! It's wild how it can change based on where you live or how you were raised "There's no will be"- that's south italy apparently. Sounds nice to me! I read Geography of Time!!! For another class! It was an interesting read Time can seems to pass slow or fast-changes by culture There are 60 cites in US that are slow pace of life and some that are fast. The ones that are fast have more danger of coronary heart disease   Why do kids drop out of school in the US? They play video games?? That's not tr...

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