Week 9 Reading Notes: Epified Mahabharata Part B
- What is the secret of her past?? Drama
- She's adopted
- Kunti was not scared of this sage--
- He gives her a gift (the mantra)
- Let's her summon any god she wants
- There comes the sun god!
- Sweet!
- Kunti gets a baby- a demi god??
- Who is this baby? Why don't I remember these things lol
- She floats the baby down the river!
- Sons of Pandu/Pandu's curse
- Where is the secret son?
- Pandu want to spend some time in the forest
- That's fun stuff
- Tribes thinks they are gods
- He hunts in the woods-he shoots the deer
- The hermit curses him--now Pandu will die if he makes love (I remember that one!)
- He leaves the palace
- The blind king is happy, of course
- Kunti helps Pandu! Now the Pandavas get to be born! Woo
- Sons of Pandu (for real this time)
- First she gets Yama- virtue son (Yidsiture? I can't spell the names lol)
- God of the wind (this baby is awesome) Bhim?? Strong and courageous baby
- Indra (great warrior baby) archer baby! Ardjun?? Something like that
- Kunti gives more babies to Pandu's other wives
- Those are the twins
- Pandu dies--Kunti leaves with Pandu's 5 sons
- Those sons are awesome (the heroes of the story!)
- One Hundred Sons
- That's when this gets confusing-so many sons
- She gets a large lump?? I don't remember this--what is the lump?
- Why is she punished?
- Do the sons come out of the lump--that's kinda ewy
- So the babies come out of the vats!
- This sounds evil---is that why all of the sons evil (demonic)
- The blind parents are the only ones that can love these evil/ugly sons
- Now the rivalry begins!
- Hate and Hurt
- This is a new voice!
- Haha one of the sons are annoying to the mean son of the blind thing
- The Pandavas are cool- so the 100 sons group are jealous
- I mean, I get it, but it's not worth it!
- This one is moving so fast- this is where I get confused
- They need different colors for the two sides
- Is this where they set fire to the palace?
- No, he misses all the games :/
- Does he kill this boy??
- This evil son is gonna get his butt kicked
- The Magic Potion
- So this boy is floating down/to the bottom of the river
- scary
- The serpents bite him
- He wakes up, and fights the snakes!
- Woo, cool stuff
- Now the snakes are on the run
- He's still underwater?
- He's in a snake world--I do not remember this at all!
- Now Bheema gets the magic potion (strength of 1000 elephants)
- He gets strength, but now he can't be an innocent boy-Time to fight!
- Drona
- I think he's the most evil one?
- Bheem doesn't know what happened! He didn't get his revenge yet
- Oh Wait, Drona is the trainer I think
- The Pandavas get to show off and get even cooler
- I love all of the foreshadowing in the Mahabharata- you know who's going to be evil, who's going to be the hero, etc.
- Drona Trains the Pandavas
- We have the charioteer
- The sword guy
- The mace!-Bheem
- The archer- discipline of the mind
- Why don't the 100 sons get to train. Is it because they are evil or because they are untalented
- Ekalavuya's Story
- I think this is the revenge story between Drona/and the other king
- Wait, now there is a dog...with arrows?
- That's not nice
- Why is this guy shooting the dog?
- Not a prince, but he's a talented archer
- Oh, so Drona refused this guy
- But he still wanted to practice!
- This guy is so cool!
- I'll write a story about this guy
- Uhhh, why did he take this guy's thumb?
- That's rude!
- This is a story I can write! Justice for Ekalavuya!!
- This chapter also as the most comments out of all the other videos I've watched
Image Information:
Telling of the Mahabharata
Found on: Wikipedia
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