Growth Mindset: Reading about Creativity

These notes are based off of this article: "How to Spark Creativity When You're in a Rut" 

Boy draws with a brush a big light bulb. Concept of innovation and creativity
  • The article starts off by talking about being new at work! You start observing and questioning things that you see (a sign of creativity)
  • What changes? Do people just get used to things and tired of them? 
  • When you get bored, you get less creative! I get that haha
  • From these questions, I am for sure in a creative rut! 
  • For sure at work! Nothing that the workers do seems to matter. But the job itself is boring and uncreative (serving tables lol)
  • They mention trying something new. When I started bartending, I loved it! It was a challenge! But then, it just got old. Making drinks, taking orders, blah.
  • There is no "you" in the job, only transactions--very true!
  • It's sad to feel this way, but most non-degree jobs just don't value creativity. They want you get your job done and leave. No complaining, no fun, just mindless work. It really sucks haha. That's why I can't wait to start teaching! It's a job that actually needs creativity. You need to create lessons, make sure they go over well, etc. Plus you get to see your hardwork in action. 
  • I wish this article focused more on outside of work creativity. After spending all day working/eating/sleeping, it feels like there's not enough time to create. How do you find inspiration? 
  • Until then, I'll just have to settle for being creative outside of work! Through storytelling and my other school work!

Image Information:
Creative Man


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