Week 4 Lab: Creative Writing Ted Talks

Ted Talk #1: The danger of a single story 

Cultures are made of stories- the world is knowable from stories- this is something I've agreed with and have thought a lot about. Adichie wrote stories about people she didn't know (European books) - something she didn't understand. She never wrote about herself (she's from Nigeria). She also relates it to knowing more than one thing about an individual. Judging and assuming things about people and places. Telling stories about people in the same way- over time. It's also important who is telling the story. Are they telling their own story? Are they represented correctly? This is why diversity in reading/writing/movies is so important. A lack of it creates stereotypes.  This was a very interesting TED Talk. I know that seeing multiple people and hearing diverse stories is important, but I've never thought about what the cost of only reading one type of story.

Ted Talk #2: Imaginary friends and real-world consequences

Oh! She's from OU. Oh Barnes is talking about Harry Potter. Haha, she's saying that people are only reading their copies of Harry Potter once. That's wrong for sure. Why do we spend so much time on fiction? It tells stories about real life! It relates to our own personal experience. We like to hang out with the characters in the stories. WHY do we care and connect to them? Parasocial relationships. If you read about them-you feel like you know them. That's a really strange thing, now that I think about it. Now she's talking about character death it's always sad! Like when Derek from Grey's died. Stories have impact. This TED talk is kinda funny. Love how she connected it back to representation in the media

Image Info:
TED: Ideas worth spreading
Found on: The Royale 


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