Extra Credit Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata Part A

These notes are about "The Eighth Baby"
From The Mahabharata by R.K Narayan printed in 1998 (Book Version)

  • Santanu seems to fall in love very quickly
  • He doesn't stop the queen from killing the babies! That's not good!
  • Okay, so she's the Ganga river spirit? 
  • Why was this spirit sent to help/deliver the babies
  • I would like to see more about the cow story--why were they trying to steal the cow?
  • Not a fan of Bhishma stealing the three brides! Is this okay?? 
  • I want to see more of the bride ceremony though. 
  • Why do the sages say it's noble to kidnap the brides?? I really wanna know. 
  • So this book is giving me this side story about Amba- she turns into a male warrior to get revenge on Bhishma. (The revenge works!) 
  • So Bhishma's brother gets 2 new wives, yet he doesn't have children with them. I wonder why that is. 
  •  "he was hardly in a state to approach women" lol, he needs to prepare! 
  • So this is an origin story of the 3 brothers it looks like
    • One is blind, one is pale, one is "normal"
      • apparently the normal one makes good choices and has a good part in the Mahabharata 
  • There is a strong focus on sex in this so far. If the sex isn't good, they baby is born unhealthy. Also, when Pandu is forced to be celibate (a curse) he is very upsetty. 
  • So now we know the main conflict in the story, there are two rival houses (and they are brothers!)
  • And Pandu dies after having sex with his wife!

This is a good intro chapter, but as always, there are scenes and stories that I want to know more about. I understand why they are not included, but this chapter was heavy on exposition. I'm excited to see how the drama plays out and if there is actually a reason for these two families to be fighting.   

Image Info: 
Modern depiction of Vyasa narrating the Mahabharata to Ganesha
By user: Yogesa
Found on: Wikipedia 


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