Growth Mindset Response

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Mindset phrases

I have not heard of "Growth Mindset" before, but I totally understand what Carol Dweck is talking about. I hate to admit, but I feel like I fall into the "Fixed Mindset" category of students. I have a bad attitude when I'm trying to learn new things or skills. For me, this carries outside of school/the classroom. I always tell people that I hate learning new things, because I hate being bad at things. Learning a new skill means you won't automatically be good at them. You have to practice and get better. I find myself avoiding opportunities and experiences because of this. Now that I'm aware that it's a pattern in attitude and thinking ("mindset"), I would like to change this about myself. I'm currently in my English Capstone course, and I'm scared that I am not ready to perform at the level that is required for the class. It's one of the final courses in my major. It gets you ready to be a professional. I want to embrace the challenge, rather than complain or run away from it. I think this will make me a better student and a better educator in the future. I want to be a teacher, so this also makes me think about how I can help my future students. I would like to learn more about how teachers can create a growth mindset environment in their classroom and how they change their teaching to encourage this kind of thinking in students.  It will make me think about how to organize my classroom, grading scale, and assignments.


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