Reaction to Class Assignments

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Coffee and Study
Originally posted by: amaliastudies-blog

This is my first online class, so I was curious about how it would be laid out. I'm excited about the reading and writing/creative components in the class. I was worried that it would be focused on quizzes or online assignments. I'm excited to write stories as a way of learning. I think it will be fun to write them and to read what other students are writing as well. From looking at the Storybooks, it looks like something I will enjoy creating. As for the extra credit, I'm most interested in the Growth Mindset, HEART, Wikipedia Trails, and the extra reading assignments. I want to learn more about the Growth Mindset because I think it will help me be a better learner and educator. I also like to read and learn new things, so I will probably end up doing the Wikipedia Trails and extra reading. I'm excited to learn about India, creative writing and story telling!


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