Learning Challenge: Get more sleep

For this challenge, I wanted to learn more about the importance of sleep. To do this, I read an article titled, "Why Sleeping May be More Important Than Studying".  This article was about how sleep is important in learning. It mostly focused on a study that tracked high school students and their sleep levels. The study focused on how their test scores (quizzes. homework, etc.) were effected by their sleeping habits. They found that students that got more sleep got higher scores than those that sacrificed sleep to study or do homework. The article then goes on to explain that while someone is sleeping, the brain uses that time to form neurological pathways and store things into memory. If sleep is lost, the brain has a harder time storing and recalling new information.

As a college student, this article told me things that I have heard a couple of times before. Everyone always says that getting a good night of sleep is important, but in reality, it's very hard to stick to a healthy sleep routine. Even if you don't have a lot of homework, bars and clubs don't close until 2! I work until 10 or 11 most nights, so if I want to go out after, I'm sacrificing important hours of sleep. I try to get 8-9 hours, but going to bed at 11:30 kinda sucks sometimes. Still, this article motivated me to get more sleep (at least when school is in secession).

I think that one thing that educators can do to help students is to assign less homework. High school students have so much going on, that doing homework seems a bit cruel and unnecessary most times. Teachers should be more mindful of sending home busy work, or assigning worksheets that don't really help anyone (most worksheets lol). I also like the idea of high schools staring school at 10 am instead of 7 or 8. This would be nice for teachers and students!


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